MRTG monitoring

The status page can be read by MRTG using the script lmng-mrtg that can be found in manager example directory.

MRTG configuration example:

# Multi Router Traffic Grapher -- Sample Configuration File
# This file is for use with mrtg-2.5.4c
# Global configuration
WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg
WriteExpires: Yes
Title[^]: Traffic Analysis for
# 128K leased line
# ----------------
#Title[leased]: a 128K leased line
#PageTop[leased]: <H1>Our 128K link to the outside world</H1>
#Target[leased]: 1:public@router.localnet
#MaxBytes[leased]: 16000
Target[]: `/etc/mrtg/lmng-mrtg OK OK`
Options[]: nopercent, growright, nobanner, perminute
PageTop[]: <h1>Requests OK from</h1>
MaxBytes[]: 1000000
YLegend[]: hits/minute
ShortLegend[]: &nbsp; hits/mn
LegendO[]: Hits:
LegendI[]: Hits:
Legend2[]: Hits per minute
Legend4[]: Hits max per minute
Title[]: Hits per minute
WithPeak[]: wmy