ANSSI security guidelines ========================= |anssi-logo| .. |anssi-logo| image:: logos/240px-ANSSI_Logo.svg.png :class: align-center Presentation ------------ The `Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information`_ *(ANSSI)* is a French Agency for the Security of Information Systems. They published a `document to securize OpenID-Connect`_. This document explain what to do to follow it. .. _Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information: .. _document to securize OpenID-Connect: LLNG as OpenID-Connect Provider ------------------------------- List of points to enable if possible: * Enable **Hashed session storage** in security parameters * Allow only "authorization code" flow * Forbid the use of **HS** algorithms, prefer those with public/private keys * Disable automatic enrollment * Limit the TTL of ``access_token`` to the strict needed delay * Don't allow "open redirections" * Configure webserver to disallow access to ``/.well-known/openid-configuration`` * Code requests * Fix the access mode for each relying party *(prefer JWS)* * Require state and nonce * Token endpoint * Require JWS authentication * UserInfo endpoint * Accept only authentication using ``Authorization: Bearer ...`` * Use hashed storage for sessions *(this includes OIDC tokens)* LLNG as OpenID-Connect Relying-Party ------------------------------------ List of points to enable if possible: * Enable **Hashed session storage** in security parameters * always use ``nonce`` * Forbid the use of **HS** algorithms, prefer those with public/private keys * Code requests * Use JWS to pass request parameters * Token endpoint * Use JWS authentication * Use hashed storage for sessions