Cassandra session backend ==================================== `Apache::Session::Browseable::Cassandra `__ is a `Cassandra `__ session backend. Setup ----- Install and launch a `Cassandra `__ server. Install `Apache::Session::Browseable `__ Perl module (version ⩾ 1.3.12 required). Prepare the database ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your database must have a specific table to host sessions. Here are some examples for main databases servers. .. code-block:: text CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS llng WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS llng.sessions; CREATE TABLE llng.sessions ( id text PRIMARY KEY, a_session text, # Indexed fields _whatToTrace text, _session_kind text, _utime text, ipAddr text ); CREATE INDEX ON llng.sessions (_whatToTrace); CREATE INDEX ON llng.sessions (_session_kind); CREATE INDEX ON llng.sessions (_utime); CREATE INDEX ON llng.sessions (ipAddr); Manager ~~~~~~~ In the manager: set `Apache::Session::Browseable::Cassandra `__ in ``General parameters`` » ``Sessions`` » ``Session storage`` » ``Apache::Session module`` and add the following parameters (case sensitive): =================== ================================================= ========================================= Name Comment Example =================== ================================================= ========================================= **DataSource** The `DBI `__ string dbi:Cassandra:host=;keyspace=llng **UserName** The database username lemonldap-ng **Password** The database password mysuperpassword **TableName** *(Optional)* Name of the table sessions **Index** Indexed fields _whatToTrace _session_kind _utime ipAddr =================== ================================================= ========================================= Security -------- Restrict network access to the Cassandra server. For remote servers, you can use :doc:`SOAP session backend` in cunjunction to increase security for remote server that access through an unsecure network.