Safe jail ========= Presentation ------------ LemonLDAP::NG uses Safe jail to evaluate all expressions: - Access rules - Headers - Form replay parameters - Macros - Groups - Conditions: - Menu modules display - Multi modules display - IssuerDB use - Session opening More information about Safe on `CPAN `__ Disable Safe jail ----------------- Safe can be very annoying when using :doc:`extended functions` or :doc:`custom functions`. In this case, you might want to disable it. To do this, go into Manager > General Parameters > Advanced Parameters > Security > Use Safe Jail and disable it. Assignment test =============== Presentation ------------ Perl comparaisons are done by using ``eq`` for strings or ``==`` for integers. To avoid an unwanted assignment like ``$authLevel = 5`` (BAD EXPRESSION!), you can enable ``Avoid assignment in expressions`` option. To do this, go into Manager > General Parameters > Advanced Parameters > Security > Avoid assignment in expressions and enable it. DISABLE by default.