REST configuration backend¶
You can share your configuration over the network using REST proxy system:
GET /config/latest: get the last config metadata
GET /config/<cfgNum>: get the metadata for config n° <cfgNum>
GET /config/<latest|cfgNum>/<key>: get conf key value
GET /config/<latest|cfgNum>?full=1: get the full configuration
You can retrieve “human readable” error messages:
GET /error/<lang>/<errNum>: get <errNum> error reference and <lang> errors file.
If no <lang> provided, ‘en’ errors file is returned.
Note that REST is not a real configuration backend, but just a proxy system to access to your configuration over the network
First, configure your real backend¶
Enable REST server in the configuration using the manager (in portal plugins)
Configure your web server to allow remote access. Remote REST access is disabled by default. Change it as follow:
* In portal-apache2.conf
# REST functions for configuration access (disabled by default)
<Location /index.fcgi/config>
Require ip
* In portal-nginx.conf
# REST functions for configuration access (disabled by default)
location /index.psgi/config {
Next, configure REST for your remote servers¶
Change configuration in lemonldap-ng.ini :
type = REST
; Apache
baseUrl =
; Nginx
baseUrl =
You can also add some other parameters
User = lemonldap
Password = mypassword
# LWP::UserAgent parameters
proxyOptions = { timeout => 5 }
User and Password parameters are only used if the entry point index.fcgi/config is protected by a basic authentication. Thus, handlers will make requests to the portal using these parameters.