Apache Apisix ============= |logo| Presentation ------------ `Apache Apisix `__ is a modern, high-performance, and cloud-native API gateway that enables you to manage and secure your API traffic effectively. It acts as an intermediary between clients and backend services, providing features such as load balancing, authentication, rate limiting, traffic control, and more Configuration -------------- LemonLDAP::NG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure you have already :doc:`enabled OpenID Connect<../idpopenidconnect>` on your LemonLDAP::NG server. APISIX acts as OpenID-COnnect Ressource Server, then it only validates given access_token. So LLNG configuration is related to the real Relying Party. Then, add a Relying Party with the following configuration: - Client ID : choose a client ID, such as ``james_client_id`` - Client Secret : choose a client secret, such as ``james_client_secret`` - Logout URL: endpoint to Apisix revoked token plugin, such as ``http://apisix.example.com:8081/add-revoked-token`` - Login redirect URI: such as ``http://apisix.example.com:8081/login-callback.html`` - **Options/Advanced** * **Release claims in Access Token**: set to **On** Define exported attributes: - ``email``: the user identifier Apisix ~~~~~~ The Apisix route configuration for OIDC is as follows: (based on `openid-connect plugins `__) .. code-block:: yaml services: - id: jmap_service_oidc upstream_id: jmap_upstream plugins: openid-connect: _meta: filter: - - request_method - "~=" - OPTIONS client_id: "james_client_id" client_secret: "james_client_secret" discovery: "http://lemonldap.domain/auth/realms/oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration" scope: "openid profile email" bearer_only: true use_jwks: true .. note:: The example with Apisix and Apache James can be found here: ``__ .. |logo| image:: /applications/apache_apisix_logo.png :class: align-center