Discourse ========= |discourse.jpg| Presentation ------------ `Discourse `__ is a conversation-oriented forum engine Discourse supports `its own Single-Sign-On scheme `__ but is also compatible with standard protocols such as SAML and OpenID Connect, through plugins. This documentation illustrates the OpenID Connect plugin. First, make sure you have set up LemonLDAP::NG 's :doc:`OpenID Connect service<..//openidconnectservice>` and added :doc:`a Relaying Party for your Discourse instance<..//idpopenidconnect>` Discourse can use the following OpenID Connect attributes to fill the user's profile: :: * name * email * given_name * family_name * preferred_username * picture Make sure you create a username and password for the Relying Party, and that the discourse callback URL is allowed : https://discourse.example.com/auth/oidc/callback Discourse configuration ----------------------- Plugin installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install the `Discourse OpenID Connect Plugin `__ according to these instructions Plugin configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Browse to your Discourse admin interface, and to the plugin settings - openid_connect_enabled: *Yes* - openid_connect_discovery_document: https://auth.example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration - openid_connect_client_id: *Client ID you chose when configuring the Relying Party* - openid_connect_client_secret: *Client Secret you chose when configuring the Relying Party* - openid_connect_authorize_scope: *openid email profile* .. |discourse.jpg| image:: /applications/discourse.jpg :class: align-center