Foreman ======= |image0| Presentation ------------ `Foreman <>`__ is a complete lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers. LemonLDAP::NG ------------- Enable the :doc:`OpenID Connect Issuer <../idpopenidconnect>`. Create an OpenID Connect Relying Party with the following paramaters :: "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsAccessTokenClaims" : 1, "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsAccessTokenJWT" : 1, "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsAccessTokenSignAlg" : "RS256", "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID" : "rp-foreman", "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientSecret" : "Cl13nt_S3cr3t", "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsIDTokenSignAlg" : "RS256", "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsPostLogoutRedirectUris" : "", "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsRedirectUris" : "", Foreman ------- Install `mod_auth_openidc <>`. httpd mod_auth_openidc parameters :: OIDCCryptoPassphrase changeme OIDCRedirectURI OIDCProviderMetadataURL # Client ID and client secret from LemonLDAP::NG configuration OIDCClientID rp-foreman OIDCClientSecret Cl13nt_S3cr3t Add a new location for Foreman :: <Location /users/extlogin> AuthType openid-connect Require valid-user </Location> Tweak The Foreman settings in Auth tab :: OIDC Issuer: OIDC JWKS URL: OIDC Algorithm: RS256 OIDC Audience : rp-foreman .. |image0| image:: /applications/foremanhelmet.svg :class: align-center