Mobilizon ========= |mobilizon_logo.jpg| Presentation ------------ `Mobilizon `__ is an online tool to help manage your events, your profiles and your groups. Mobilizon lets users `authenticate with OpenID Connect `__ through the same plugin used by Keycloak. First, make sure you have set up LemonLDAP::NG 's :doc:`OpenID Connect service<..//openidconnectservice>` and added :doc:`a Relaying Party for your Mobilizon instance<..//idpopenidconnect>` The only options you need to configure are: * *Client ID*: choose one * *Client Secret*: choose one * *Allowed redirection addresses for login*: ```` Mobilizon configuration ----------------------- Edit ``/etc/mobilizon/config.exs``, and adjust the Client ID, Client Secret and URLs to match your domain :: config :ueberauth, Ueberauth, providers: [ keycloak: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Keycloak, [default_scope: "openid profile email"]} ] config :mobilizon, :auth, oauth_consumer_strategies: [ {:keycloak, "LemonLDAP::NG"} ] config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Keycloak.OAuth, client_id: "CHANGEME", client_secret: "CHANGEME", site: "", authorize_url: "", token_url: "", userinfo_url: "", token_method: :post .. |mobilizon_logo.jpg| image:: /applications/mobilizon_logo.jpg :class: align-center