Sharepoint ========== |logo| Presentation ------------ Sharepoint is a content Management system which provide a lot of features for designing websites such as intranets, professional websites, blogs, home pages. It can be configured to authenticate users with :doc:`OpenID Connect <../idpopenidconnect>`. .. versionadded:: 2.0.16 Because Sharepoint requires support for the *OAuth 2.0 Form Post Response Mode* feature, it only works starting with LemonLDAP::NG 2.0.16 and above .. warning:: Configuring Sharepoint for OpenID Connect is a complex operation which requires some familiarity with Microsoft products, and a good knowledge of OpenID Connect. This documentation is only meant to help you configure LemonLDAP::NG to work with Sharepoint, but is not a complete, up-to-date walkthrough. Configuration ------------- LemonLDAP::NG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure you have already :doc:`enabled OpenID Connect<../idpopenidconnect>` on your LemonLDAP::NG server. Make sure you have generated a set of signing keys in ``OpenID Connect Service`` > ``Security`` > ``Keys`` The signing public key must be in `BEGIN CERTIFICATE` format, check :ref:`the OIDC certificate conversion instructions ` for details if you are currently using a public key in `BEGIN PUBLIC KEY` format. Add a Relying Party with the following configuration: - Options > Basic > Client ID : choose a client ID, such as ``my_client_id`` - Options > Basic > Public client : set to ``Enabled`` - Options > Basic > Client Secret : leave empty - Options > Basic > Allowed redirection address : ``https://spsites.contoso.local/`` (adjust to your own URL) - Options > Advanced > Force claims to be returned in ID Token : ``On`` - Options > Security > ID Token Signature Algorithm : ``RS256`` Define *Scope values content*: - ``email`` => ```` Define exported attributes: - ```` => ``cn`` (or LemonLDAP variable containing the common name) - ```` => ``givenName`` (or LemonLDAP variable containing the given name) - ```` => ``sn`` (or LemonLDAP variable containing the surname) - ```` => ``mail`` (or LemonLDAP variable containing the email) SharePoint ~~~~~~~~~~ Refer to the `Microsoft Sharepoint OpenID Connect documentation `__ for instructions. You do not need an Azure AD or Azure ADFS, so you can skip the steps regarding Azure AD/ADFS. You should not need to configure the identity provider manually. If you use LemonLDAP 2.0.16 and above, with a certificate as your OIDC signing key, the OpenID Connect JWKS document should contain the `x5c` field expected by sharepoint. First you need to create a Web application through the Sharepoint Manager A web application could contain several site ( called "collection") The authentication method is applied to a web application and collection behind All URL of each site must be declared as an allowed redirection address in LemonLDAP::NG You need to execute a powershell script which : - defines claims - defines metadata url - defines ClientID - defines Service account of website - generates a certificates for cookie - generates an Token Issuer objects - generates an Authentication Provider from Token Issuer Here is a sample script, make sure to adapt it to your needs, and always refer to official Microsoft documentation if you have any doubts .. code-block:: bash # set the owner of Web application Pool see : you could get it through the # IIS interface > Application Pool # You could pick the owner of the corresponding Web Application $webApplicationPoolUser="DOMAIN\user" # Set the AAD metadata endpoint URL. Please replace with the value saved in step #3 in AAD setup section $metadataendpointurl = "" # Please replace with the value saved in step #3 # in AAD setup section $clientIdentifier = "APP-ID" # list of Claim types $email = New-SPClaimTypeMapping "" -IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "EmailAddress" -SameAsIncoming $cn = New-SPClaimTypeMapping ""-IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "CommonName" -SameAsIncoming $sn = New-SPClaimTypeMapping "" -IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "surname" -SameAsIncoming $givenName = New-SPClaimTypeMapping ""-IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "givenName" -SameAsIncoming # # CERTIFICATs FOR Secure COOKIE # certificats and key muste be exported and spread on each sharepoint server in farm # # # Setup farm properties to work with OIDC $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -Provider 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider' -Subject "CN=SharePoint Cookie Cert for LLNG Demo" $rsaCert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions]::GetRSAPrivateKey($cert) $fileName = $rsaCert.key.UniqueName # if you have multiple SharePoint servers in the farm, you need to export # certificate by Export-PfxCertificate and import certificate to all other # SharePoint servers in the farm by Import-PfxCertificate. # After certificate is successfully imported to SharePoint Server, we will # need to grant access permission to certificate private key. $path = "$env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\$fileName" $permissions = Get-Acl -Path $path #Please replace the with real application # pool account of your web application $access_rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($webApplicationPoolUser, 'Read', 'None', 'None', 'Allow') $permissions.AddAccessRule($access_rule) Set-Acl -Path $path -AclObject $permissions #Then we update farm properties $f = Get-SPFarm $f.Farm.Properties['SP-NonceCookieCertificateThumbprint']=$cert.Thumbprint $f.Farm.Properties['SP-NonceCookieHMACSecretKey']='seed' $f.Farm.Update() # Create a new SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer in SharePoint $spTrust = New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer -Name "LemonLDAP_DEMO" -Description "lemonldap Demo" -ClaimsMappings $email,$cn,$sn,$givenName -IdentifierClaim $eppn.InputClaimType -DefaultClientIdentifier $clientIdentifier -MetadataEndPoint $metadataendpointurl -Scope "openid email" # Declare a SPAuthenticationProvider from SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer $trustedAp = New-SPAuthenticationProvider -TrustedIdentityTokenIssuer $spTrust After that you need to assign the new SPAuthenticationProvider to the Web application |image2| At this time you should restart IIS and the website By the way, despite you are authenticated, you could note access to Web site , you need to be authorized, It's a website's administrator job. Pay attention ! If you need to add a user, you must set the identifier of the user inside the searchbox and clique "OK" Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you got an error and the web page is displaying nothing relevant, see the URL Example in case of lack of sub :: /_layouts/15/_login/default.aspx?errorCode=TrustedMissingIdentityClaimSource= .. |logo| image:: /applications/sharepoint.png .. |image2| image:: /applications/SharePoint-assign-AuthProvider.png :class: align-center