Browseable session backend ========================== Presentation ------------ Browseable session backend (`Apache::Session::Browseable `__) works exactly like Apache::Session::\* corresponding module but add index that increase the speed of some operations. It is recommended in production deployments. .. note:: Without index, LL::NG will have to retrieve all sessions stored in backend and deserialize then filter each of them. The following table list fields to index for each session type: .. _fieldstoindex: List of fields to index by session type --------------------------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Session Type - Fields to index * - Sessions (global) [1]_ - \_whatToTrace \_session_kind \_utime ipAddr \_httpSessionType user mail \_session_uid * - Persistent sessions - \_session\_kind \_httpSessionType \_session\_uid ipAddr \_whatToTrace * - CAS sessions - \_session_kind \_utime \_cas\_id pgtIou * - SAML sessions - \_session_kind \_utime \_saml_id ProxyID \_nameID \_assert_id \_art_id * - OIDC sessions - \_session_kind \_utime .. [1] - ``user`` is used by :doc:`resetpassword`. - ``mail`` is used by :doc:`register`. - ``_session_uid`` is used by :doc:`trustedbrowser`. .. note:: If you have configured LemonLDAP::NG to use something other than `_whatToTrace` as the main session identifier, you must replace `_whatToTrace` with the new session field in the previous list See Apache::Session::Browseable man page to see how use indexes. .. tip:: It is advised to use separate session backends for standard sessions, SAML sessions and CAS sessions, in order to avoid unused indexes. Available backends ------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 PgJSON Backend (recommended) browseablemysqlsessionbackend browseableldapsessionbackend redissessionbackend