Deploy Traefik configuration ============================ FastCGI server -------------- For now, Traefik does not support FastCGI, so it can't be used with the default provided llng-fastcgi-server. It can work with the PSGI server, if it exposes an HTTP socket. See :doc:`Advanced PSGI usage`. For example, to use the Traefik handler with uWSGI, exposing an HTTP socket binding on :: cd /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/llng-server && SOURCE_SERVER=traefik /sbin/uwsgi \ --plugin psgi \ --psgi llng-server.psgi \ --master \ --workers 2 \ --max-worker-lifetime 86400 \ --max-requests 10000 \ --disable-logging \ --harakiri 30 \ --buffer-size 65535 \ --limit-post 0 \ --die-on-term \ --http-socket Note : you can create a systemd unit, but as Traefik is mainly used in a containers context, you can use a command similar to the previous one as an entrypoint. Then, to configure Traefik's middleware to use it, you can use this configuration fragment: :: http: middlewares: lemonldap: forwardAuth: address: authResponseHeadersRegex: '^.*$' Then to protect an app with Lemonldap::NG: :: tags = [ "traefik.enable=true", "traefik.http.routers.whoami.rule=Path(`/whoami`)", "traefik.http.routers.whoami.entrypoints=https", "traefik.http.routers.whoami.middlewares=lemonldap@file" ] Install LLNG FastCGI server --------------------------- Debian/Ubuntu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: apt install lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server Enable and start the service : :: systemctl enable llng-fastcgi-server systemctl start llng-fastcgi-server Red Hat/CentOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: yum install lemonldap-ng-nginx lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server Enable and start the service : :: systemctl enable llng-fastcgi-server systemctl start llng-fastcgi-server