Upgrade from 2.x to 2.y ======================= Please apply general caution as you would with any software: have backups and a rollback plan ready! Known issues ------------- .. Adjust for every new version that has known, unreleased bugs Known regressions in the latest released version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No known issues. 2.19.0 ------ RPM packaging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RPM packages have been reorganized to match the Debian packages naming convention. The upgrade via ``yum`` or ``dnf`` should work smoothly. For EL8 and EL9, you must update the GPG key: :: curl https://lemonldap-ng.org/security/GPG-KEY-LLNG-SECURITY.asc > /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-OW2 Like Debian, jobs are now managed through systemd timers: ``` systemd edit lemonldap-ng-portal.timer systemd edit lemonldap-ng-handler.timer ``` Portal templates changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can skip this entire section if you use the default ``bootstrap`` theme or if your custom theme only uses ``custom*.tpl`` templates. TOTP registration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The TOTP registration now offers a ``otpauth://`` url that can automatically open your TOTP application when viewed on mobile. Apply the following patch to ``totp2fregister.tpl`` to use this new feature:: diff --git a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/totp2fregister.tpl b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/totp2fregister.tpl index 506a83481..a14e61d31 100644 --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/totp2fregister.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/totp2fregister.tpl @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@

- - +


Second factor retry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is recommended to apply the following patch to your custom templates so that users will have a more friendly error message when retrying their 2FA: .. code-block:: diff diff --git a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/ext2fcheck.tpl b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/ext2fcheck.tpl index 4f277f295..c0381fc9e 100644 --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/ext2fcheck.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/ext2fcheck.tpl @@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
+ +
alert" role="">">
diff --git a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/password2fcheck.tpl b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/password2fcheck.tpl index 098d91345..361365ef6 100644 --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/password2fcheck.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/password2fcheck.tpl @@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
+ +
alert" role="">">
Enter your password
diff --git a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/totp2fcheck.tpl b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/totp2fcheck.tpl index 427f78f6c..8e84497e6 100644 --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/totp2fcheck.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/totp2fcheck.tpl @@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
+ +
alert" role="">">
diff --git a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/webauthn2fcheck.tpl b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/webauthn2fcheck.tpl index 881625d5f..aad8d4886 100644 --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/webauthn2fcheck.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/webauthn2fcheck.tpl @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
alert" role="">">
2.18.2 ------ PKCE is enforced for all OIDC clients supporting it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In versions before 2.18.2, PKCE was not verified doing the token request of an OIDC flow unless the "Require PKCE" option was set explicitly in the LemonLDAP::NG configuration for this RP. Starting from now, PKCE will be verified anytime a RP enabled it by specifying the ``code_challenge`` parameter during the authorization request. RPs that do not support PKCE will not send the ``code_challenge`` parameter, and therefore will not be affected by this change. 2.18.0 ------ "Stay connected" has changed name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "Stay connected on this device" feature has been refactored into a more generic :doc:`trustedbrowser` feature. The name of the configuration section has changed in the manager but no particular actions are required for existing installations. Change in second factor UI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After registering a new second factor of type Webauthn, TOTP, U2F or Generic, the user is now brought back to the main 2FA Management screen. You can cancel this behavior by calling preventDefault in your JS handler: .. code:: javascript $(document).on( "mfaAdded", { }, function( event, info ) { event.preventDefault(); }); See :doc:`jqueryevents` for more information Apache2 handler now uses IP from mod_remoteip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use `mod_remoteip `__ in your handlers, LemonLDAP::NG will now correctly use the IP from ``mod_remoteip`` in ``$env->{REMOTE_ADDR}``. OpenID Connect issuer now implements ``acr_values`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `acr_values` from OpenID Connect authorization requests can now be used to increase the authentication level required for accessing a service. If after upgrading you start noticing that users are now asked to upgrade their session when trying to access OIDC applications, you should check the `acr_values` requested by you application, and map them to the desired authentication level in `OpenID Connect Service` » `Authentication context` Cron files moved to systemd timers on Debian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Debian, LemonLDAP::NG now uses systemd timers for maintenance tasks instead of ``cron.d`` scripts. If you need to modify the frequency of execution of your maintenance tasks, you should use a systemd override: ``` systemd edit liblemonldap-ng-portal-perl.timer systemd edit liblemonldap-ng-handler-perl.timer ``` ``` [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* *:07:07 ``` Encryption of password in session ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you store the password in session because you need to replay it on a protected application (Auth Basic or form replay), you should now enable password encryption in session (this option is disabled by default). This requires to decrypt the ``$_password``` value before sending it to the application, with the ``decrypt()`` method. Safe Jail ~~~~~~~~~ For security reason, we now enforce Safe Jail by default in lemonldap-ng.ini, so an administrator with only access to Manager cannot disable it. If you want to improve security, update your lemonldap-ng.ini. To retrieve the old behavior (Safe Jail configuration through Manager), just let the option commented in lemonldap-ng.ini. Portal templates changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can skip this entire section if you use the default ``bootstrap`` theme or if your custom theme only uses ``custom*.tpl`` templates. Password policy display ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is recommended to replace your custom theme's ``passwordpolicy.tpl`` by the one that is provided in the ``bootstrap`` theme. If you use the :doc:`Have I Been Pwned ` plugin, this is a required change because the modifications in 2.18 will break this particular plugin. If you are using the default templates from the ``bootstrap`` theme, you don't need to change anything. Email templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To avoid email sent by LL::NG being flagged as spam, we remove inline images in HTML content. You can add them back by customising the email templates and eithier use inline images (cid) or links to external resources. Note that we now send a plain text version of the mail attached to the HTML email. 2.17.1 ------ Restriction in use of OIDC `request_uri` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A little-know feature of OIDC (*note*: you are probably not using it) allows the OpenID Provider, LemonLDAP::NG in this case, to fetch the Authorization request parameters itself by indicating a `request_uri` parameter. By default, we now disallow this feature, and require LemonLDAP::NG admins to explicitly allow Request URIs in the configuration (*OpenID Connect Relying Parties* » *Your RP* » *Options* » *Security* » *Allowed URLs for fetching Request Object*). This setting allows wildcards such as ``http://rp.example.com/*``. 2.17.0 ------ Possible regression in unicode character handling for UWSGI users ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We fixed an issue that made UWSGI behavior inconsistent with other deployment methods (FastCGI, ApacheMP2). As a consequence, you might notice a change in the way non-ASCII characters are displayed by LemonLDAP::NG. If you used workarounds to make non-ASCII characters work in UWSGI, you can remove them in this new release. If you instead wish to restore previous behavior, you can also set the following configuration in `/etc/uwsgi/apps-available/llng-server.yaml` : .. code:: yaml uwsgi: # ... env: LLNG_SKIPUTF8DOWNGRADE=1 However, restoring previous behavior is not recommended, as you are likely to run into even more encoding bugs in the long run. Portal templates changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can skip this entire section if you use the default ``bootstrap`` theme or if your custom theme only uses ``custom*.tpl`` templates. Font Awesome application icons ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is now possible to use Font Awesome icons in the application menu. If you modified the default ``menu.tpl`` template, you need to update it: .. code:: diff --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/menu.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/menu.tpl @@ -146,9 +146,13 @@
+ + + common/apps/" class="applogo img-fluid" alt="" /> +
If you are using the default templates from the ``bootstrap`` theme, you don't need to change anything. Password policy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is recommended to update your theme's ``passwordpolicy.tpl`` to correctly display special characters in password policies :: --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/passwordpolicy.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/passwordpolicy.tpl @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
  • - Allowed special characters: + Allowed special characters:
  • If you are using the default templates from the ``bootstrap`` theme, you don't need to change anything. 2.16.1 -------- AuthBasic now enforces 2FA activation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In previous versions of LemonLDAP::NG, a 2FA protected account didn't need to use their second factor when authenticating to an :doc:`AuthBasic handler `. If you are *absolutely sure* that you want 2FA protected accounts to access AuthBasic handlers, which are password only, you can add the following test in your 2FA activation rules :: and not $ENV{AuthBasic} 2.0.16 ------ Security ~~~~~~~~ Behaviour change in 2FA registration to avoid adding device without testing current authentication level. (see `issue 2803 `__) User must log in by using its higher available 2FA to register a new one. Change in error messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The error messages for the following situations have been changed: .. csv-table:: :header: "Situation", "Translation code (lemonldap-ng.ini)", "Translation code (lang.json)", "New error message" :delim: ; :widths: auto An authentication request has been made to an unknown CAS application;error_107;PE107;This application is not known An authentication request has been made to an unknown SAML service provider;error_107;PE107;This application is not known An authentication request has been made to an unknown OIDC relying party;error_107;PE107;This application is not known User was not allowed to access a CAS application;error_84;PE84;You're not authorized to access to this host An unauthorized logout URL was specified during logout from a CAS application;error_108;PE108;Unauthorized URL An unauthorized Redirect URI was used during an OIDC login;error_108;PE108;Unauthorized URL The provided url= parameter does not correspond to a protected URL;error_109;PE109;Not a protected or trusted URL Users who wish to adjust error messages in these situations should update their translation files Improve the use of multiple 2FA types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changes in custom 2F::Register:: modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Users who use their own ``Lemonldap::NG::Portal::2F::Register::`` modules must now inherit from ``Lemonldap::NG::Portal::2F::Register::Base`` * The `canUpdateSfa` function has been moved into the 2FA Engine and should not be called by your registration module anymore Changes in templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The default ``skin.min.js`` file has been updated in this release, be sure to copy ``skin.min.js`` from ``bootstrap`` into your custom theme. Due to some internal changes in the way registrable second factors are handled, it is recommended to update your custom `2fregisters.tpl` .. code:: diff @@ -32,7 +32,14 @@ - + Unregister To fix behavior of checkbox "generate my password" in password reset screen, update your custom `mail.tpl` (see `commit `__) To have the new tooltip feature on IDP choice screen, update your custom `idpchoice.tpl` (see `commit `__) For the message box in menu when no applications are allowed, update your custom `menu.tpl` (see `commit `__) For the new password policy balcklist feature, update your custom `passwordpolicy.tpl` (see `commit `__) New template files that should be linked or copied in your custom theme: * `generic2fregister.tpl` * `password2fcheck.tpl` * `password2fregister.tpl` If you are using the default templates from the ``bootstrap`` theme, you don't need to change anything. For plugin developpers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change in ``passwordAfterChange`` hook behavior ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you wrote a custom plugin using the ``passwordAfterChange`` hook, return codes other than ``PE_OK`` will now be displayed by the portal, instead of being ignored. Change in ``modifyPassword`` method ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``modifyPassword`` method now takes a hash of arguments to specify extra behavior Before: .. code:: perl # Method definition sub modifyPassword { my ( $self, $req, $pwd, $useMail ) = @_; ... } # Method call $self->p->_passwordDB->modifyPassword($req, $pwd, $useMail); After: .. code:: perl # Method definition sub modifyPassword { my ( $self, $req, $pwd, %args ) = @_; my $useMail = $args{useMail}; ... } # Method call $self->p->_passwordDB->modifyPassword($req, $pwd, useMail => $useMail); 2.0.15 ------ Translation overrides in lemonldap-ng.ini now take priority over skin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously, the presence of a translation JSON file within a skin prevented translation messages defined in ``lemonldap-ng.ini`` from being used. Additionally, it was not possible to translate strings in email templates using a custom skin file. These two bugs are now fixed, be sure to check that you do not have duplicate translations in ``lemonldap-ng.ini`` and in your skin files (``*.json``). If you do, the translation in ``lemonldap-ng.ini`` will now take priority. See :ref:`documentation on translating messages ` for details New Captcha API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is now possible to create your own Captcha modules to replace the one provided by default. In order for custom Captcha modules to work, you need to modify your custom ``standardform.tpl``, ``mail.tpl`` and ``register.tpl`` template files: .. code:: diff - - + + If you are using the default templates from the ``bootstrap`` theme, you don't need to change anything. Re-send 2FA code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :doc:`mail `, :doc:`external ` and :doc:`REST ` based 2FA types can now re-send the user code if delivery failed for some reason. If you use custom templates, you must update ``ext2fcheck.tpl`` .. code:: diff --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/ext2fcheck.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/ext2fcheck.tpl @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@
    If you are using the default templates from the ``bootstrap`` theme, you don't need to change anything. Remember authentication choice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A :doc:`new plugin` can be enabled to display a checkbox in :doc:`authentication choice` module to allow users remembering their choice, which will automatically redirect them to the selected choice the next time they connect to the portal. If you use custom templates, you should update ``login.tpl`` .. code:: diff --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/login.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/login.tpl @@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ + + + + true" /> + +
    @@ -92,6 +98,11 @@
    + + + true" /> + + @@ -104,6 +115,34 @@
    + +
    + + +
    + checked /> + "> +

    + +

    + + +

    + + +

    + +
    + +
    + Copy also ``styles.min.css`` and ``skin.min.js`` from ``bootstrap`` into your custom theme. If you are using the default templates from the ``bootstrap`` theme, you don't need to change anything. 2.0.14 ------ Security ~~~~~~~~ * **CVE-2021-40874**: RESTServer pwdConfirm always returns true with Combination + Kerberos (see `issue 2612 `__) U2F deprecation in Chrome 98 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chrome 98 `removed U2F support by default `__. You can enable them back temporarily in ``chrome://flags`` by setting *Enable the U2F Security Key API* to *Enabled* and *Enable a permission prompt for the U2F Security Key API* to *Disabled* LemonLDAP::NG provides a newer alternative: :doc:`webauthn2f`, which is compatible with U2F security keys. Please read :ref:`migrateu2ftowebauthn` for instructions on how to convert U2F secrets to WebAuthn. After migration, you will need to disable U2F from the configuration and enable WebAuthn instead, in *General Parameters* » *Second Factors* » *WebAuthn* Weak encryption used for password-protected SAML keys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previous versions of LemonLDAP::NG used a weak encryption algorithm to protect SAML keys when a password was set during certificate generation. Run the following command to check if this is your case:: lemonldap-ng-cli get samlServicePrivateKeySig lemonldap-ng-cli get samlServicePrivateKeyEnc If the output of either command starts with ``BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY``, then it probably means you generated your keys using the vulnerable manager code. In this case, you can convert your existing keys to a stronger encryption using the following command :: # Extract your existing keys. If samlServicePrivateKeyEnc is empty, you can # skip it entirely lemonldap-ng-cli get samlServicePrivateKeySig | \ sed 's/samlServicePrivateKeySig = //' > saml-sig.pem lemonldap-ng-cli get samlServicePrivateKeyEnc | \ sed 's/samlServicePrivateKeyEnc = //' > saml-enc.pem # Re-encrypt the private key, using the same passphrase openssl pkey -in saml-sig.pem -aes256 -out saml-sig-aes.pem openssl pkey -in saml-enc.pem -aes256 -out saml-enc-aes.pem #Or, if you are using OpenSSL 3+ openssl pkey -provider legacy -provider default -in saml-sig.pem \ -aes256 -out saml-sig-aes.pem openssl pkey -provider legacy -provider default -in saml-enc.pem \ -aes256 -out saml-enc-aes.pem Then, simply reimport your keys :: lemonldap-ng-cli set samlServicePrivateKeySig "$(cat saml-sig-aes.pem)" lemonldap-ng-cli set samlServicePrivateKeyEnc "$(cat saml-enc-aes.pem)" If is recommended to keep the same password as before, if not, adjust the ``samlServicePrivateKeySigPwd`` and ``samlServicePrivateKeyEncPwd`` variables as well. This operation is transparent and does not require any change to your existing SAML configuration or SAML applications LemonLDAP::NG version is returned by the CheckState plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use the `/checkstate` URL to monitor LemonLDAP::NG, you may notice a slight change in the output format: *2.0.13* :: {"result":1} *2.0.14* :: {"result":1,"version":"2.0.14"} Depending on your load balancer or monitoring configuration, this can cause false negatives. This plugin is disabled by default, and you may use a shared secret to hide this information to regular users and bots, please check the :doc:`checkstate` documentation for more information. Empty scopes now rejected in OAuth2.0 grants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously, it was possible to be granted an empty scope, or an automatic ``openid`` scope when doing :ref:`OAuth2.0 Password Grant ` or :ref:`Client Credentials Grant `. Starting with *2.0.14*, empty scopes are no longer allowed (:rfc:`6749#section-3.3`). You need to either add a `scope` parameter to your request, or define a default scope in your Relying Party's :ref:`Scope Rules `. Portal templates changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you defined the "Register page URL" or the password "Reset page URL" to an external application, you need to fix the ``standardform.tpl`` template by applying the following patch: .. code:: diff diff --git a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/standardform.tpl b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/standardform.tpl index 3a6256e59..d5192f0ce 100644 --- a/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/standardform.tpl +++ b/lemonldap-ng-portal/site/templates/bootstrap/standardform.tpl @@ -48,14 +48,14 @@
    - ?skin=&=&url="> + ?skin=&=&url="> Reset my password - ?skin=&=&url="> + ?skin=&=&url="> Reset my certificate @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ - ?skin=&=&url="> + ?skin=&=&url="> Create an account Manager API ~~~~~~~~~~~ The service parameter set in a request to create or update a CAS application must now be an array, and no more a string. Changes impacting plugin developpers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * If you are using Custom authentication modules, userDB modules or password modules, ``$portal->loadedPlugins`` no longer contains a key with the name of your module. You should use ``$portal->_authentication``, ``$portal->_userDB``, or ``$portal->_passwordDB`` instead to get your module instance. 2.0.13 ------ Portal templates changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some ``autocomplete`` attributes have been added to improve accessibility in the following files: ``checkdevops.tpl``, ``checkuser.tpl``, ``register.tpl``, ``ext2fcheck.tpl``, ``totp2fcheck.tpl``, ``utotp2fcheck.tpl``. 2.0.12 ------ Security ~~~~~~~~ * **CVE-2021-35473**: Access token lifetime is not verified with OAuth2 Handler (see `issue 2549 `__) * **CVE-2021-35472**: Session cache corruption can lead to authorization bypass or spoofing (see `issue 2539 `__) * 2FA bypass with sfOnlyUpgrade and totp2fDisplayExistingSecret (see `issue 2543 `__) * Incorrect regexp construction in isTrustedUrl lets attacker steal session on CDA application (see `issue 2535 `__) * XSS on register form (see `issue 2495 `__) * Wildcard in virtualhost allows being redirected to untrusted domains (see `issue 2477 `__) Portal templates changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Email templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you customized the HTML email templates, you must update them to use HTML::Template variables (this was changed to fix XSS injections). In the following files: ``mail_2fcode.tpl`` ``mail_certificateReset.tpl`` ``mail_footer.tpl`` ``mail_password.tpl`` ``mail_register_done.tpl`` ``mail_certificateConfirm.tpl`` ``mail_confirm.tpl`` ``mail_header.tpl`` ``mail_register_confirm.tpl`` Replace the following variables: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Old syntax - New syntax * - ``$code`` - ```` * - ``$url`` - ```` * - ``$login`` - ```` * - ``$password`` - ```` * - ``$firstname`` - ```` * - ``$lastname`` - ```` Replace all other variables such as ``$cn`` by ````. Login form ^^^^^^^^^^ To benefit from the new feature allowing to show password on login form, adapt ``standardform.tpl`` (see `changes `__) To disable password store in browser when changing password (this was already possible for login form), adapt ``password.tpl`` (see `changes `__) To fix placeholder display in password field when password store is disabled in browser, adapt ``password.tpl`` (see `changes `__) TOTP ^^^^ See also `Simplification of TOTP options`_ below. FindUser, CheckDevOps templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some changes have been made to include new plugins (FindUser and CheckDevOps), you need to report them only if you have a custom theme and you want to use these plugins Client Credential sessions missing expiration time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you started using Client Credential grants in 2.0.11, you may have encountered `issue 2481 `__. Because of this bug, the created sessions may never be purged by the ``purgeCentralCache`` script. In order to detect these sessions, you can run the following command: :: lemonldap-ng-sessions search --where _session_kind=SSO --select _session_id --select _utime | \ jq -r '. | map(select(._utime == null)) | map(._session_id) | join ("\n")' This will output a list of SSO sessions with no expiration time. Review them manually using :: lemonldap-ng-sessions get You can then remove them with :: lemonldap-ng-sessions delete Brute-force protection plugin may cause duplicate persistent sessions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because of `bug #2482 `__ , some users may notice that the persistent session database is filling with duplicate sessions. Some examples include: * An uppercase version of the regular persistent session (dwho vs DWHO) * An unqualified version (dwho vs dwho@idp.com) This bug was fixed in 2.0.12, but administrators are advised to clean up their persistent session database to remove any duplicate persistent sessions remaining after the upgrade. OpenID Connect check session iframe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The OIDC check session iframe is not working, it has been removed from OIDC configuration metadata. It should not impact any installation as this feature was already broken. Simplification of TOTP options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following options have been removed from TOTP configuration: * Display existing secret (``totp2fDisplayExistingSecret``) * Change existing secret (``totp2fUserCanChangeKey``) As a consequence, users who are *not* using the default ``bootstrap`` skin may need to ajust their ``totp2fregister.tpl`` template: * Move ``#divToHide`` from the ``.col-md-6`` div to the ``.card`` div * Change::
    * to::
    * Remove the ``#changekey`` button 2.0.11 ------ Portal templates changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you created your own skin and modified some template files, you may need to update them. No change is required if you are using the default ``bootstrap`` theme. A new plugin has been introduced, in beta version: :doc:`FindUser `. It requires a modification of ``login.tpl`` to include ``finduser.tpl``. 2.0.10 ------ Security ~~~~~~~~ A vulnerability affecting LemonLDAP::NG installations has been found out when ALL following criteria apply: * Your handler server uses Nginx * Your virtual host configuration contains per-URL ``skip`` or ``unprotect`` access rule In this situation, you have to update your LUA configuration file like ``/etc/nginx/nginx-lua-headers.conf``. See also `issue 2434 `__. Other minor security fixes: * It is now possible to hide sessions identifier in Manager (parameter ``displaySessionId``). See also `issue 2350 `__. * Second factor management by end user now requires safer conditions. See also `issue 2332 `__, `issue 2337 `__ and `issue 2338 `__. Main changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - New dependency: IO::Socket::Timeout - TOTP check tolerates forward AND backward clock drift (totp2fRange) - Avoid assignment in expressions option is disabled by default - RHEL/CentOS SELinux users should install the new ``lemonldap-ng-selinux`` package to fix `an issue with the new default cache directory `__ - If you use :doc:`applications/mattermost` with OpenID Connect, you need to set the ``id`` claim type to *Integer* - BruteForceProtection plugin now prevents authentication on backend if an account is locked - In the Manager API, postLogoutRedirectUri is now `returned and consumed as an array `__ - We fixed a bug that caused SAML sessions to be created and never deleted, you should check your session databases for sessions that have ``"_session_kind": "ISAML"`` but no ``_utime``. You can safely delete SAML sessions with no ``_utime`` during the upgrade. Portal templates changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you created your own skin and modified some template files, you may need to update them, see below if they have been modified. No change is required if you are using the default ``bootstrap`` theme. 2FA manager ^^^^^^^^^^^ If you use a custom theme, even if you did not modify ``2fregisters.tpl``, you need to copy ``skin.min.js`` from the ``htdocs/static/bootstrap/js`` folder to your custom theme's ``js`` folder. If you modified ``2fregisters.tpl`` you need to add the ``remove2f`` class to the button that triggers second factor removal: .. code-block:: diff - + Or, better yet, integrate the changes in ``2fregisters.tpl`` into your custom theme to benefit from the `new 2F removal confirmation dialog `__ Checkboxes ^^^^^^^^^^ A CSS change has been done in ``styles.css`` to avoid checkbox labels overflow. See `issue 2301 `__. The ``form-check-input`` class is missing in ``register.tpl`` and ``notifinclude.tpl``. See `issue 2374 `__. Password checker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Input id values have been modified in ``mail.tpl`` to work with password checker. See `issue 2355 `__. Tables caption ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tables captions have been added in ``sessionArray.tpl``. See `issue 2356 `__. Stay connected ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A small change is required in ``checklogins.tpl`` for `issue 2365 `__. Other changes needed in ``2fchoice.tpl``, ``ext2check.tpl``, ``totp2fcheck.tpl``, ``u2fcheck.tpl`` and ``utotp2fcheck.tpl`` for `issue 2366 `__. Mails ^^^^^ The HTML ``alt`` attribute has been added on ``img`` in all ``mail_*.tpl``. See `issue 2422 `__. 2.0.9 ----- - Bad default value to display OIDC Consents tab has been fixed. The default value is now: ``$_oidcConsents && $_oidcConsents =~ /\w+/`` - Some user log messages have been modified, check :doc:`logs documentation ` (see also `#2244 `__) - SAML SOAP calls are now using ``text/xml`` instead of ``application/xml`` as the MIME Content Type, as required by `the SOAP standard `__ - Incremental lock times values can now be set in BruteForceProtection plugin through Manager. It MUST be a list of comma separated values. Default values are ``5, 15, 60, 300, 600`` - This version is not compatible with :doc:`applications/mattermost` Cookie issues with Chrome ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This release fixes several issues related to the change in SameSite cookie policy for Google Chrome users. The new default value of the SameSite configuration parameter will set SameSite to ``Lax`` unless you are using SAML, in which case it will be set to ``None``. This means that from now on, any LemonLDAP::NG installation using SAML must be served over HTTPS, as SameSite ``None`` value requires the ``Secure`` flag in cookie. Change in default cache directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default config/session cache directory has been moved from ``/tmp`` to ``/var/cache/lemonldap-ng`` in order to avoid `issues with cache purges `__ when using Systemd. This change is only applied to new installations. If your installation is experiencing cache purge issues, you need to manually change your existing ``localSessionStorageOptions/cache_root`` parameter from ``/tmp`` to ``/var/cache/lemonldap-ng``. Be sure to create this directory on your file system before modifying your configuration. If you are using SELinux, you also need to run the following commands :: semanage fcontext --add -t httpd_cache_t -f a '/var/cache/lemonldap-ng(/.*)?' restorecon -R /var/cache/lemonldap-ng/ Required changes in NGINX handler rules (CVE-2020-24660) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We discovered a vulnerability that affects LemonLDAP::NG installations when ALL of the following criteria apply: * You are using the :doc:`LemonLDAP::NG Handler` to protect applications * Your handler server uses Nginx * Your virtual host configuration contains per-URL access rules based on regular expressions in addition to the built-in *default* access rule. .. note:: You are safe from this vulnerability if your virtualhost only uses a regexp-based rule to trigger logout If you are in this situation, you need to modify *all* your handler-protected virtualhosts by making the following change: * Replace ``fastcgi_param X_ORIGINAL_URI $request_uri`` by ``fastcgi_param X_ORIGINAL_URI $original_uri`` if you are using FastCGI * Replace ``uwsgi_param X_ORIGINAL_URI $request_uri`` by ``uwsgi_param X_ORIGINAL_URI $original_uri`` if you are using uWSGI * Right after ``auth_request /lmauth;``, add the following line :: set $original_uri $uri$is_args$args; You can check the :doc:`configvhost` page for more information LDAP certificate validation (CVE-2020-16093) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LDAP server certificates were previously not verified by default when using secure transports (LDAPS or TLS), see `CVE-2020-16093 `__. Starting from this release, certificate validation is now enabled by default, including on existing installations. If you have configured your CA certificates incorrectly, LemonLDAP::NG will now start complaining about invalid certificates. You may temporarily disable it again with the following command :: /your/path/to/lemonldap-ng-cli set ldapVerify none If you use LDAP as a configuration storage, and want to temporarily disable certificate validation, you must make the following addition to `/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini` :: [configuration] ... ldapVerify = none If you use LDAP as a session backend, you are strongly encouraged to also upgrade corresponding ``Apache::Session`` modules (``Apache::Session::LDAP`` or ``Apache::Session::Browseable``). After this upgrade, if you want to temporarily disable certificate validation, you can add the following parameter to the list of Apache::Session module options: * key: ``ldapVerify`` * value: ``none`` Please note that it is HIGHLY recommended to set certificate validation to `require` when contacting LDAP servers over a secure transport to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks. 2.0.8 ----- - New dependency: Perl module Time::Fake is now required to run unit test and build packages, but should not be mandatory to run the software. - Nginx configuration: some changes are required to allow IPv6, see `#2152 `__ - Option ``singleSessionUserByIP`` was removed, see `#2159 `__ - A memory leak was found in perl-fcgi with Perl < 5.18, a workaround is possible with Apache and llng-fastcgi-server, see `#1314 `__ - With Apache: set ``FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 500`` in portal virtual host - With llng-fastcgi-server: set ``PM_MAX_REQUESTS=500`` in llng-fastcgi-server service configuration - Cookie ``SameSite`` value: to avoid problems with recent browsers, SAML POST binding, LLNG cookies are now tagged as "**SameSite=None**". You can change this value using manager, "**SameSite=Lax**" is best for installations without federations. **Important note**: if you're using an unsecured connection *(http:// instead of https://)*, "SameSite=None" will be ignored by browsers and users that already have a valid session might be prompted to login again. - OAuth2.0 Handler: a VHost protected by the OAuth2.0 handler will now return a 401 when called without an Access Token, instead of redirecting to the portal, as specified by :rfc:`6750#section-3`. - If you encounter the following issue: :: AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/manager/api/api.fcgi when trying to access the portal. It probably comes from incorrect Apache configuration. Remove the (optional and disabled by default) manager API config: :: rm /etc/httpd/conf.d/z-lemonldap-ng-api.conf && systemctl reload httpd 2.0.7 ----- - Security: - `#2040 `__: Configuration of a redirection URI for an OpenID Connect Relying Party is now mandatory, as defined in the specifications. If you save your configuration, you will have an error if some of your RP don't have a redirect URI configured. - `#1943 `__ / `CVE-2019-19791 `__: along with the patch provided in 2.0.7 in ``Lemonldap/NG/Common/PSGI/Request.pm``, Apache rewrite rule must be updated to avoid an unprotected access to REST services: :: portal-apache2.conf .. code-block:: apache RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_URI}" "!^/(?:(?:static|javascript|favicon).*|.*\.fcgi(?:/.*)?)$" RewriteRule "^/(.+)$" "/index.fcgi/$1" [PT] :: manager-apache2.conf .. code-block:: apache RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_URI}" "!^/(?:static|doc|lib|javascript|favicon).*" RewriteRule "^/(.+)$" "/manager.fcgi/$1" [PT] - Other: - Option ``checkTime`` was enabled by default in ``lemonldap-ng.ini``, this let the portal check the configuration immediately instead of waiting for configuration cache expiration. You can keep this option enabled unless you need strong :doc:`performances`. - Removed parameters: - ``samlIdPResolveCookie`` 2.0.6 ----- - Option was added to display generate password box in :doc:`password reset by mail plugin`. If you use this feature, you must enable this option, which is disabled by default. - If you use the default \_whatToTrace macro and a case insensitive authentication backend, then a user can generate several persistent sessions for the same login (see `issue 1869 `__). This can lead to a security bug if you enabled 2FA, which rely on data stored in the persistent session. To fix this, either choose a unique attribute for \_whatToTrace, either force lower case in your macro: .. code-block:: perl $_auth eq 'SAML' ? lc($_user.'@'.$_idpConfKey) : $_auth eq 'OpenIDConnect' ? lc($_user.'@'.$_oidc_OP) : lc($_user) - On CentOS 7 / RHEL 7, a system upgrade breaks ImageMagick, which is used to display captchas (see `#1951 `__). To fix this, you can run the following commands: :: yum install -y urw-base35-fonts-legacy sed 's,/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/,/usr/share/X11/fonts/urw-fonts/,g' -i /etc/ImageMagick/type-ghostscript.xml 2.0.5 ----- - The Text::Unidecode perl module becomes a requirement *(it will be automatically installed if you upgrade from from the deb or RPM repositories)* - CAS logout starts validating the service= parameter, but only if you use the CAS Access control policy. The URL sent in the service= parameter will be checked against :ref:`known CAS applications`, Virtual Hosts, and :ref:`trusted domains`. Add your target domain to trusted domains if you suddenly start having "Invalid URL" messages on logout - Improvements in cryptographic functions: to take advantage of them, **you must change the encryption key** of LemonLDAP::NG (see :ref:`CLI example`). - Debian packaging: FastCGI / uWsgi servers require llng-lmlog.conf and llng-lua-headers.conf. Those configuration files are now provided by lemonldap-ng-handler package and installed in /etc/nginx/snippets directory. Upgrading from 2.0.0 or 2.0.1 to later versions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have :doc:`installed LemonLDAP::NG from official RPMs`, you may run into bug `#1757 `__ and lose your Apache configuration files while updating from LemonLDAP::NG 2.0.0 or 2.0.1 to later versions. Please backup your ``/etc/httpd/conf.d/z-lemonldap-ng-*.conf`` files before the update.