Available plugin hooks

This page shows the list of hooks that you can use in your custom plugins. Read the Write a custom plugin page for full details on how to create and enable custom plugins.

OpenID Connect Issuer hooks


New in version 2.0.10.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG received an authorization request on the /oauth2/authorize endpoint.

The hook’s parameter is a hash containing the authorization request parameters.

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGotRequest               => 'addScopeToRequest',

sub addScopeToRequest {
    my ( $self, $req, $oidc_request ) = @_;
    $oidc_request->{scope} = $oidc_request->{scope} . " my_hooked_scope";

    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG successfully authorized a Client Credentials Grant.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • A hash of the current session info

  • the configuration key of the relying party which is being identified

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGotClientCredentialsGrant => 'addSessionVariable',

sub addSessionVariable {
    my ( $self, $req, $info, $rp ) = @_;
    $info->{is_client_credentials} = 1;

    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is about to generate an Authorization Code for a Relying Party.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • A hash of the parameters for the OIDC Authorize request, which you can modify

  • the configuration key of the relying party which will receive the token

  • A hash of the session keys for the (internal) Authorization Code session

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGenerateCode              => 'modifyRedirectUri',

sub modifyRedirectUri {
    my ( $self, $req, $oidc_request, $rp, $code_payload ) = @_;
    my $original_uri = $oidc_request->{redirect_uri};
    $oidc_request->{redirect_uri} = "$original_uri?hooked=1";
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.10.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is about to send a UserInfo response to a relying party on the /oauth2/userinfo endpoint, or to compute a list of claims to be added in an ID or Access Token.

The hook’s parameter is a hash containing all the claims that are about to be released.

Changed in version 2.0.15: Added the hash of current session data

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGenerateUserInfoResponse => 'addClaimToUserInfo',

sub addClaimToUserInfo {
    my ( $self, $req, $userinfo, $rp, $session_data) = @_;
    my $scope = $session_data->{_scope};
    $userinfo->{"userinfo_hook"} = 1;
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.10.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is generating an ID Token.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • A hash of the claims to be contained in the ID Token

  • the configuration key of the relying party which will receive the token

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGenerateIDToken          => 'addClaimToIDToken',

sub addClaimToIDToken {
    my ( $self, $req, $payload, $rp ) = @_;
    $payload->{"id_token_hook"} = 1;
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is generating an JWT-formatted Access Token

The hook’s parameters are:

  • A hash of the claims to be contained in the Access Token

  • the configuration key of the relying party which will receive the token

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGenerateAccessToken          => 'addClaimToAccessToken',

sub addClaimToAccessToken {
    my ( $self, $req, $payload, $rp ) = @_;
    $payload->{"access_token_hook"} = 1;
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.19.0.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG has generated id_token and access_token

The hook’s parameters are:

  • the configuration key of the relying party which will receive the tokens

  • the prepared response before JSON encoding

  • the OIDC session content

  • the user’s session content

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGenerateTokenResponse      => 'addTokenToResponse',

sub addTokenToResponse {
    my ( $self, $req, $tokensResponse, $oidcSession, $userSession ) = @_;
    $tokensResponse->{mySpecialToken} = 'randomValue';
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is resolving scopes.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • An array ref of currently granted scopes, which you can modify

  • The configuration key of the requested RP

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcResolveScope          => 'addHardcodedScope',

sub addHardcodedScope{
    my ( $self, $req, $scopeList, $rp ) = @_;
    push @{$scopeList}, "myscope";
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.15.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG handles a Refresh Token grant for an online session

The hook’s parameters are:

  • the configuration key of the relying party which received the grant

  • A hash of session data for the (internal) Refresh Token session

  • A hash of the user’s session data

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGotOnlineRefresh          => 'logRefresh',

sub logRefresh {
    my ( $self, $req, $rp, $refreshInfo, $sessionInfo ) = @_;
    my $uid = $sessionInfo->{uid};
    $self->userLogger->info("OIDC application $rp requested a new access token for $uid");
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.15.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG handles a Refresh Token grant for an offline session

The hook’s parameters are:

  • the configuration key of the relying party which received the grant

  • A hash of session data for the (internal) Refresh Token session, which also contains user attributes

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGotOfflineRefresh          => 'logRefreshOffline',

sub logRefreshOffline {
    my ( $self, $req, $rp, $refreshInfo ) = @_;
    my $uid = $refreshInfo->{uid};
    $self->userLogger->info("OIDC application $rp used offline access for $uid");
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.16.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG handles an OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange request.

It allows you to implement your own custom Token Exchange flow.

You can look for parameters in $req. If you find a combination of parameters that you support, set $req->response and return PE_SENDRESPONSE. Else, return PE_OK to continue or PE_ERROR to fail.

Sample code:

use constant hook => { oidcGotTokenExchange => 'tokenExchange', };

sub tokenExchange {
    my ( $self, $req, $rp ) = @_;
    my $subject_token = $req->param('subject_token');
    my $subject_token_type = $req->param('subject_token_type');

    if ( #... ) {
                    access_token => ...,
                    issued_token_type => ...,
                    token_type => ...,
        return PE_SENDRESPONSE;
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.17.

This hook is triggered when processing a request for a Client ID that is not registered as an OIDC RP.

You can use this hook to inject configuration on-demand. Update $config with the RP configuration

use constant hook => {
   getOidcRpConfig => 'getRpFromDB',

sub getRpFromDB {
    my ( $self, $req, $client_id, $config ) = @_;

    # Lookup $entityID in some DB

    # Update the provided $config reference
    %$config = (
        confKey     => # a unique configuration key
        attributes  => # hashref of attributes to return
        options     => # hashref of options
        macros      => # hashref of macros to compute
        scopeRules  => # hashref of scope rules
        extraClaims => # hashref of additional scopes to consider

    # Set the TTL even if nothing was found in DB to prevent LLNG from
    # calling the hook too often
    $config->{ttl} = 3600;

    return PE_OK;

SAML service hooks


New in version 2.0.16.

This hook is triggered when an entityID that is not registered in SAML configuration (IDP or SP) is trying to communicate with LemonLDAP::NG

You can use this hook to inject configuration on-demand. Update $config with the IDP or SP information:

use constant hook => {
   getSamlConfig => 'getConfFromDB',

sub getConfFromDB {
    my ( $self, $req, $entityID, $config ) = @_;

    # Lookup $entityID in some DB

    # Update the provided $config reference
    %$config = (
        sp_metadata => #XML metadata
        sp_confKey => #configuration key
        sp_attributes => #hashref of exported attributes
        sp_options => #hashref of options
        sp_macros => #hashref of macros

        idp_metadata => #XML metadata
        idp_attributes => #hashref of exported attributes
        idp_options => #hashref of options

    # Set the TTL even if nothing was found in DB to prevent LLNG from
    # calling the hook too often
    $config->{ttl} = 3600;

    return PE_OK;

SAML Issuer hooks


New in version 2.0.10.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG has received a SAML login request

The hook’s parameter is the Lasso::Login object

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
   samlGotAuthnRequest => 'gotRequest',

sub gotRequest {
    my ( $self, $req, $login ) = @_;

    # Your code here


New in version 2.0.10.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is about to build a response to the SAML login request

The hook’s parameter is the Lasso::Login object

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
   samlBuildAuthnResponse => 'buildResponse',

sub buildResponse {
    my ( $self, $req, $login ) = @_;

    # Your code here


New in version 2.0.10.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG has received a SAML logout request

The hook’s parameter is the Lasso::Logout object

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
   samlGotLogoutRequest => 'gotLogout',

sub gotLogout {
    my ( $self, $req, $logout ) = @_;

    # Your code here


New in version 2.0.10.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG has received a SAML logout response

The hook’s parameter is the Lasso::Logout object

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
   samlGotLogoutResponse => 'gotLogoutResponse',

sub gotLogoutResponse {
    my ( $self, $req, $logout ) = @_;

    # Your code here


New in version 2.0.10.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is about to generate a SAML logout response

The hook’s parameter is the Lasso::Logout object

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
   samlBuildLogoutResponse => 'buildLogoutResponse',

sub buildLogoutResponse {
    my ( $self, $req, $logout ) = @_;

    # Your code here

CAS Issuer hooks


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG received an CAS authentication request on the /cas/login endpoint.

The hook’s parameter is a hash containing the CAS request parameters.

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    casGotRequest                 => 'filterService'

sub filterService {
    my ( $self, $req, $cas_request ) = @_;
    if ( $cas_request->{service} eq "http://auth.sp.com/" ) {
        return PE_OK;
    else {
        return 999;


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is about to generate a Service Ticket for a CAS application

The hook’s parameters are:

  • A hash of the parameters for the CAS request, which you can modify

  • the configuration key of the cas application which will receive the ticket

  • A hash of the session keys for the (internal) CAS session

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    'casGenerateServiceTicket'    => 'changeRedirectUrl',

sub changeRedirectUrl {
    my ( $self, $req, $cas_request, $app, $Sinfos ) = @_;
    $cas_request->{service} .= "?hooked=1";
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is about to send a CAS response to an application on the /cas/serviceValidate endpoint.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The username (CAS principal)

  • A hash of modifiable attributes to be sent

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    casGenerateValidateResponse    => 'addAttributes',

sub addAttributes {
    my ( $self, $req, $username, $attributes ) = @_;
    $attributes->{hooked} = 1;
    return PE_OK;

SAML Authentication hooks


New in version 2.0.15.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is building a SAML authentication request for an external IDP

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The configuration key of the IDP

  • The Lasso::Login object

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    samlGenerateAuthnRequest    => 'genRequest',

sub genRequest {
    my ( $self, $req, $idp, $login ) = @_;

    # Your code here


New in version 2.0.15.

This hook is triggered after LemonLDAP::NG successfully validated a SAML authentication response from an IDP

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The configuration key of the IDP

  • The Lasso::Login object

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    samlGotAuthnResponse    => 'gotResponse',

sub gotResponse {
    my ( $self, $req, $idp, $login ) = @_;

    # Your code here

OpenID Connect Authentication Hooks


New in version 2.0.15.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is building the Authentication Request that will be sent to an OpenID Provider

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The configuration key of the OP

  • A hash reference of request parameters that will be added to the OP’s authorization_endpoint.

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGenerateAuthenticationRequest  => 'genAuthRequest',

sub genAuthRequest {
    my ( $self, $req, $op, $authorize_request_params ) = @_;

    $authorize_request_params->{my_param} = "my value";
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.15.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is building the Token Request from that will be sent to an OpenID Provider

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The configuration key of the OP

  • A hash reference of request parameters that will be sent in the body of the request to the token_endpoint.

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGenerateTokenRequest => 'genTokenRequest',

sub genTokenRequest {
    my ( $self, $req, $op, $token_request_params) = @_;

    $token_request_params->{my_param} = "my value";
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.15.

This hook is triggered after LemonLDAP::NG successfully received and decoded the ID Token from an external OpenID Provider

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The configuration key of the OP

  • A hash reference of the decoded ID Token payload

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGotIDToken  => 'modifyIDToken',

sub modifyIDToken {
    my ( $self, $req, $op, $id_token_payload_hash ) = @_;

    # do some post-processing on the `sub` claim
    $id_token_payload_hash->{sub} = lc($id_token_payload_hash->{sub});
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.15.

This hook is triggered after LemonLDAP::NG successfully received the UserInfo response from an external OpenID Provider

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The configuration key of the OP

  • A hash reference of decoded UserInfo payload

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    oidcGotUserInfo  => 'modifyUserInfo',

sub modifyUserInfo {
    my ( $self, $req, $op, $userinfo_content ) = @_;

    # Custom attribute processing
    $userinfo_content->{my_attribute} = 1;
    return PE_OK;

DBI Authentication hooks


New in version 2.20.0.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is verifying a password hash obtained from a database. It will only run if Dynamic hashing is enabled

You can use this hook to implement a custom hashing scheme

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The password submitted by the user

  • The stored value, usually a hash, from the database

  • A state object used to return information to Auth::DBI. Its subkeys are

    • result: boolean result of the password verification


This hook must return PE_DONE in order to indicate that it performed password validation. The result of validation (good password or bad password) must be set in $state->{result}.

Sample code:

use constant hook => { dbiVerifyPassword => 'verify_password', };

sub verify_password {
    my ( $self, $req, $submitted_password, $stored_hash, $state ) = @_;

    # Check if the stored hash is understood by this plugin
    # TODO: adjust the regexp to match your custom scheme
    if ( $stored_hash =~ /^\$custom\$/ ) {

        # TODO: use your own verification method here
        # my $is_correct_password = ...

        $state->{result} = $is_correct_password;

        # Return DONE to indicate that the verification was done.
        # Other plugins will not be called
        return PE_DONE;

  # Returning OK means that this plugin hasn't done anything
  # processing will continue to other plugins and default LemonLDAP::NG code
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.20.0.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is about to set or change the user’s password in a database. It will only run if Dynamic hashing is enabled.

You can use this hook to implement a new algorithm that admins can configure as the Hash scheme for new passwords.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The Hash scheme configured by the admin

  • The password to be stored

  • A state object used to return information to Password::DBI. Its subkeys are

    • hashed_password: the hashed value that will be stored in the database


This hook must return PE_DONE in order to indicate that it successfully hashed the password password validation.

Sample code:

use constant hook => { dbiHashPassword => 'hash_new_password', };

sub hash_new_password {
    my ( $self, $req, $scheme, $new_password, $result ) = @_;

    # Check if the desired scheme is implemented by this plugin
    # TODO: replace by the name of your custom scheme
    if ( $scheme eq "MyCustomScheme" ) {

        # TODO: use your own hashing method here
        # my $hashed_password = ...

        $result->{hashed_password} = $hashed_password;

        # Return DONE to indicate that the hashing was done.
        # Other plugins will not be called
        return PE_DONE;

    # Returning OK means that this plugin hasn't done anything
    # processing will continue to other plugins and default
    # LemonLDAP::NG code
    return PE_OK;

Choice Authentication hooks


New in version 2.20.0.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG selects an authentication choice.

It is only run if no built-in mechanism has succeeded, and lets you select an authentication choice from custom conditions instead of displaying a choice to the user.

The hook’s only parameter is a context hash which you can modify. Its subkeys are

  • choice: set this key to the desired choice, or leave it empty to show the standard choice forms

Sample code:

use constant hook => { getAuthChoice => 'autoChoice', };

sub autoChoice {
    my ( $self, $req, $context ) = @_;

    # Pick a default choice for all users on a certain IP
    if ( $req->address eq "" ) {
        $context->{choice} = "1_DEMO";
    return PE_OK;

Password change hooks


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered when LemonLDAP::NG is about to change or reset a user’s password. Returning an error will cancel the password change operation. You can use this hook to implement custom password policies.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The main user identifier

  • The new password

  • The old password, if relevant

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    passwordBeforeChange => 'blacklistPassword',

sub blacklistPassword {
    my ( $self, $req, $user, $password, $old ) = @_;
    if ( $password eq "12345" ) {
        $self->logger->error("I've got the same combination on my luggage");
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.0.12.

This hook is triggered after LemonLDAP::NG has changed the user’s password successfully in the underlying password database

The hook’s parameters are:

  • The main user identifier

  • The new password

  • The old password, if relevant

Sample code:

use constant hook => {
    passwordAfterChange  => 'logPasswordChange',

sub logPasswordChange {
    my ( $self, $req, $user, $password, $old ) = @_;
    $old ||= "";
    $self->userLogger->info("Password changed for $user: $old -> $password");
    return PE_OK;

Second factor hooks


New in version 2.18.

This hook is called immediately before LemonLDAP::NG calls the verify method of each second factor implementation in order to verify the code/response submitted by the user. You can use it to run additional checks.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • An instance of the 2F module in use

  • A hash of session information

Sample code:

use constant hook => { sfBeforeVerify => 'ipHasChanged', };

sub ipHasChanged {
    my ( $self, $req, $sfa, $session ) = @_;
    my $prefix = $sfa->prefix;

    if ($req->address ne $session->{ipAddr}) {
        $self->logger->error("Error when validating $prefix: IP has changed");
        return PE_ERROR;

    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.20.

This hook is called after verifying a second factor, whether it was successful or not. You can use it to change the verification status depending on some condition.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • An instance of the 2F module in use

  • A hash of session information

  • A hash containing the verification result, which you can modify. Its subkeys are:

    • authenticationLevel: authentication level granted by the module

    • device: if applicable, details of the 2FA device used (name, type, epoch, etc.)

    • result: result code of this attempt

    • retries: how many retries are left after this attempt

Sample code:

use constant hook => { sfAfterVerify => 'ipExceptions', };

sub ipExceptions {
    my ( $self, $req, $module, $session, $verify_result ) = @_;

    my $status_of_verification = $verify_result->{result};

    # Override authentication level for a particular IP
    if ( $status_of_verification == PE_OK and $req->address eq "" )
        $verify_result->{authenticationLevel} = 7;

    # This special IP has infinite retries
    if (    $status_of_verification != PE_OK
        and $req->address eq ""
        and $verify_result->{retries} == 0 )
        $self->logger->info("Allowing more retries to");
        $verify_result->{retries} = 1;
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.19.

If a second factor failed and should be retried, this hook is called just before retrying. You can use it to run additional checks before retrying, or reporting the failure to a third party.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • An instance of the 2F module in use

Sample code:

use constant hook => { sfBeforeRetry  => 'allowedToRetry' };

sub allowedToRetry {
    my ( $self, $req, $module ) = @_;

    # $module contains an instance of the 2FA module
    my $prefix = $module->prefix;

    # Use $req->sessionInfo to get current session attributes
    my $uid = $req->sessionInfo->{uid};

    if ( $uid eq "msmith" ) {
        $self->logger->error("User $uid not allowed to retry $prefix");
        return PE_ERROR;
    return PE_OK;


New in version 2.20.

This hook is called immediately before registering a new second factor device into the user’s persistent session. You can use it to abort the operation unless some condition is met, to modified the stored data, or to change the authentication level obtained immediately after registration.

The hook’s parameters are:

  • A hash of session information

  • A hash containing the second factor device data (type, name, timestamp, and implementation-specific fields)

  • A hash containing the current registration state, which you can modify to change the authentication level. Its subkeys are

    • authenticationLevel: authentication level granted by the module

Sample code:

use constant hook => { sfRegisterDevice => 'specialDeviceNames' };

sub specialDeviceNames {
    my ( $self, $req, $info, $device, $registration_state ) = @_;

    # If the device name given by the user contains the word "insecure",
    # downgrade the authentication level
    if ( $device->{name} =~ /insecure/i ) {
        $registration_state->{authenticationLevel} = 1;

    # If the device name contains the word "invalid",
    # abort registration
    if ( $device->{name} =~ /invalid/i ) {
        return PE_ERROR;

    return PE_OK;

Generic hooks


New in version 2.17.

This hook is called whenever the LemonLDAP::NG portal is about to generate a page using its template engine

The hook’s parameters are:

  • A reference to the template name (it can be changed by plugins)

  • A reference to the hash of Lemonldap::NG::Common::sendHtml arguments, which includes template parameters and response code

Sample code:

use constant hook => { sendHtml => 'injectParam', };

sub injectParam {
    my ( $self, $req, $tpl, $args ) = @_;

    # Add variable to the "menu.tpl" template
    if ( $$tpl eq "menu" ) {
        $args->{params}->{MY_PARAM} = "xx";
    return PE_OK;