Professional services
Companies providing services and support around LemonLDAP::NG

FusionDirectory is a specilalist in OpenLDAP and French Higher Education Research. We are the publisher of FusionDirectory.
We provide consultancy, support and training for a wide range of customers.
You can contact us by email or phone on +32 2 880 97 40 (GMT+1)

Linagora is a software vendor and professional services provider focused on Open Source Software. With more about 100 employees, offices in France (Paris, Marseille, Lyon and Toulouse) and in Belgium (Brussels), the company is among major players of Open Source Software in France.
Contact by email or phone on +33 1 46 96 63 63 (GMT+1)

With its decades of cumulative experience in the areas of free software and open source, Worteks deploys its service in a market of expertise and innovation with large companies and administrations.
Worteks is one of the main contributor of LemonLDAP::NG.
Contact us:
How to be listed here?
There is no fee or contract to appear on this page but you have a moral engagement to help the core team (answering to mailing list, reporting bugs, providing patches).
Interested? Please contact us!