LemonLDAP::NG FastCGI server
Since 1.9, Lemonldap::NG provides a FastCGI server usable to protect applications with Nginx (See Manage virtual hosts page to configure virtual hosts).
This FastCGI server can be used for all LLNG components. It compiles enabled components on-the-fly.
Using packages
You just have to install lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server package, it will be started automatically.
Using “make install”
To enable the FastCGI server at startup, copy the script
installed in INITDIR (default
) in /etc/init.d
and enable
it (links to /etc/rc<x>.d
FastCGI server has few parameters. They can be set by environment
variables (read by startup script) or by command line options. A default
configuration file can be found in
in Debian package).
The FastCGI server reads also LLTYPE
parameter in FastCGI requests
(see portal-nginx.conf or manager-nginx.conf) to choose which module is
for the portal (or any CGI: it works like PHP-FPM for Perl !)manager
for the managerstatus
to see statistics (if enabled)
is set to another value or not set, FastCGI server works
as handler.