REST configuration backend

You can share your configuration over the network using REST proxy system:

  • GET /config/latest: get the last config metadata

  • GET /config/<cfgNum>: get the metadata for config n° <cfgNum>

  • GET /config/<latest|cfgNum>/<key>: get conf key value

  • GET /config/<latest|cfgNum>?full=1: get the full configuration

You can retrieve “human readable” error messages:

  • GET /error/<lang>/<errNum>: get <errNum> error reference and <lang> errors file.

If no <lang> provided, ‘en’ errors file is returned.


Note that REST is not a real configuration backend, but just a proxy system to access to your configuration over the network


First, configure your real backend

  • On your main server, configure a File, SQL or LDAP backend

  • Enable REST server in the configuration using the manager (in portal plugins)

  • Configure your web server to allow remote access. Remote REST access is disabled by default. Change it as follow:

* In portal-apache2.conf:

# REST functions for configuration access (disabled by default)
<Location /index.fcgi/config>
    Require ip

* In portal-nginx.conf:

# REST functions for configuration access (disabled by default)
location /index.psgi/config {

Next, configure REST for your remote servers

Change configuration in lemonldap-ng.ini :

type         = REST
; Apache
baseUrl      =
; Nginx
baseUrl      =

You can also add some other parameters

user         = lemonldap
password     = mypassword
realm        = myrealm
# LWP::UserAgent parameters
lwpOpts      = { timeout => 5 }
lwpSslOpts   = { SSL_ca_file => "..." }

user, password and realm parameters are only used if the entry point index.fcgi/config is protected by a basic authentication. Thus, handlers will make requests to the portal using these parameters. realm is mandatory if basic authentication is used, and it must match the auth_basic (Nginx) or AuthType (Apache) setting in your web server.