Custom functions

Custom functions allow one to extend LL::NG, they can be used in Headers, Rules or form replay data. Two actions are needed:

  • declare them in LLNG configuration

  • load the relevant code


Your perl custom functions must be declared on appropriate server when separating:

Portal type: declare custom functions here when using it in rules, macros or menu.

Reverse-proxy type: declare custom functions here when using it in headers.

Write custom functions library

Create your Perl module with custom functions. You can name your module as you want, for example

vi /path/to/
package SSOExtensions;

sub function1 {
  my (@args) = @_;

  # Your nice code here
  return $result;

sub function2 {
  return $_[0];


Import custom functions in LemonLDAP::NG

LemonLDAP::NG Configuration

Edit lemonldap-ng.ini to load the Perl module(s)

require = /path/to/
; Prevent Portal to crash if Perl module is not found
;requireDontDie = 1


You can declare multiple custom function files, separated by a ,

require = /path/to/, /path/to/

Declare custom functions

Go in Manager, General Parameters » Advanced Parameters » Custom functions and declare your function names, separated by a space:

SSOExtensions::function1 SSOExtensions::function2


If your function is not compliant with Safe jail, you will need to disable the jail.


You can now use your function in a macro, an header or an access rule, for example:

function1( $uid, $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} )