OpenID Connect¶
Authentication |
Users |
Password |
✔ |
✔ |
OpenID Connect is a protocol based on REST, OAuth 2.0 and JOSE stacks. It is described here:
LL::NG can act as an OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) towards multiple OpenID Connect Providers (OP). It will get the user identity through an ID Token, and grab user attributes through UserInfo endpoint.
As an RP, LL::NG supports many OpenID Connect features:
Authorization Code, Implicit and Hybrid flows
Automatic download of JWKS
JWT signature verification
Encrypted JWT (JWE)
Access Token Hash verification
ID Token validation
Get UserInfo as JSON or as JWT
Logout on EndSession endpoint
You can use this authentication module to link your LL::NG server to any OpenID Connect Provider. Here are some examples, with their specific documentation:
France Connect |
Pro Santé Connect |
OpenID Connect specification is not achieved for logout propagation. So logout initiated by relying-party will be forwarded to OpenID Connect provider but logout initiated by the provider (or another RP) will not be propagated. LL::NG will implement this when specification is published.
OpenID Connect Service¶
See OpenID Connect service configuration chapter.
Authentication and UserDB¶
In General Parameters
> Authentication modules
, set:
Authentication module: OpenID Connect
Users module: OpenID Connect
As passwords will not be managed by LL::NG, you can disable menu password module.
Browser implementations of formAction directive are inconsistent (e.g. Firefox does not block the redirects whereas Chrome does). Administrators may have to modify formAction value with wildcard likes *.
In Manager, go in:
General Parameters
> Advanced Parameters
> Security
Content Security Policy
> Form destination
Then in General Parameters
> Authentication modules
OpenID Connect parameters
, you can set:
Authentication level: authentication level associated to this module
Callback GET parameter: name of the GET parameter used for intercepting callback (default: openidconnectcallback)
State session timeout: duration of a state session (used for keeping state information between authentication request and authentication response) in seconds (default: 600)
Register LL::NG to an OpenID Connect Provider¶
To register LL::NG, you will need to give some information like application name or logo.
You will be prompted to provide a Redirect URI for LL::NG, which is built
by appending the openidconnectcallback=1
parameter to the Portal URL.
For example:
If you use the choice backend, you need to set SameSite cookie value to “Lax” or “None”. See SSO cookie parameters
You may also be prompted for lougout type. LL::NG supports both back and front channels. Its default logout urls are:
https://<portal>/oauth2/flogout for the Front Channel
https://<portal>/oauth2/blogout for the Back Channel
Front Channel use requires “iss” and “sid” parameters in requests (See frontchannel_logout_session_required)
After registration, the OP must give you a Client ID and a Client secret required to configure the OP in LL::NG.
Declare the OpenID Connect Provider in LL::NG¶
In Manager, select node OpenID Connect Providers
and click on
Add OpenID Connect Provider
. Set a technical name (without space or
special character) like “sample-op”.
You can then access to the configuration of this OP.
The OP should publish its metadata in a JSON file (see for example Google metadata). Copy the content of this file in the textarea. Portal discovery document can be found here: https://#portal#/.well-known/openid-configuration
If no metadata is available, you need to write them in the textarea. Mandatory fields are:
You can also define:
Example template:
"issuer": "",
"authorization_endpoint": "",
"token_endpoint": "",
"userinfo_endpoint": "",
JWKS data¶
JWKS is a JSON file containing public keys. LL::NG can grab them automatically if jwks_uri is defined in metadata. Else you can paste the JSON file content in the textarea.
If the OpenID Connect provider only uses symmetric encryption, JWKS data are useless.
Exported attributes¶
Define here mapping between LL::NG session content and fields provided in UserInfo endpoint response. These fields are defined in OpenID Connect standard, and depends on the scope requested by LL::NG (see options below).
So you can define by example:
cn => name
sn => family_name
mail => email
uid => sub
PKCE required: A code challenge is required at Tokens endpoint (see RFC 7636)
Store ID token: Allows one to store the ID Token (JWT) inside user session. Do not enable it unless you need to replay this token on an application, or if you need the id_token_hint parameter when using logout.
Configuration endpoint: URL of OP configuration endpoint
JWKS data timeout: After this time, LL::NG will do a request to get a fresh version of JWKS data. Set to 0 to disable it
Client ID: client ID given by OP
Client secret: client secret given by OP
Attribute containing user identifier: Set the value of the ID Token claim that should be used as user main identifier. If empty, the
claim is used.
Scope: Value of scope parameter (example: openid profile). The
scope is mandatory.Display: Value of display parameter (example: page)
Prompt: Value of prompt parameter (example: consent)
Max age: Value of max_age parameter (example: 3600)
Locales UI: Value of ui_locales parameter (example: en-GB en fr-FR fr)
ACR values: Space-separated list of acceptable ACR values (example: ‘loa-2 loa-3’). Authentication will fail if the OpenID Provider does not supply one of the values listed here in the ID Token.
Authentication method for authorization code request: Require JWS authentication for code requests
Signature algorithm for authorization code authentication: Fix signature algorithm to be used for JWS authentication for code requests
Token endpoint authentication method: choice between
Check JWT signature: Set to 0 to disable JWT signature checking
ID Token max age: If defined, LL::NG will check the ID Token date and reject it if too old
Use nonce: If enabled, a nonce will be sent, and verified from the ID Token
Comment: Set a comment¶
Used only if at least 2 OIDC Providers are declared
Name: Name of the OP
Logo: Logo of the OP
Tooltip: Information displayed on mouse over the button
Resolution rule: Rule that will be applied to preselect an OP for a user. You have access to all environment variables (like user IP address) and all session keys. You have also access to OIDC parameters constituting the QueryString. Those variables are prefixed by
For example, to preselect this OP for users coming from network
$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^192\.168/
$env->{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^192\.168/
To preselect this OP when the MY_OP
choice is selected
$_choice eq "MY_OP"
To preselect this OP for users with a particular login_hint
$env->{llng_oidc_login_hint} =~ /@example\.com$/
Order: Used for sorting OP
With HTTPS authorization endpoint, you may have to set LWP::UserAgent object
with verify_hostname => 0
and SSL_verify_mode => 0
Go to: General Parameters > Advanced Parameters > Security > SSL options for server requests
Manual IDP Selection¶
When using multiple OpenID Providers, LemonLDAP::NG will display an additional choice screen to let the user decide which OP they want to use.
In addition to the resolution rule described above, you can also use the
URL parameter to automatically select an OP for the user: