REST services

LL::NG portal is a REST server that gives access to configuration, session and also authentication.

Portal REST services


The authentication service is always available with REST, you just need to send credentials on portal URL. But by default, the portal is protected by one time tokens to prevent CSRF. You must disable them or set a rule (configuration parameter requireToken) so token will not be required for REST requests, for example:

$env->{HTTP_ACCEPT} !~ m:application/json:

Another solution is using the REST auth/user/password backend.


Request parameters:

  • Endpoint: /

  • Method: POST

  • Request headers:

    • Accept: application/json

  • POST data:

    • user: user login

    • password: user password

    • xxx: optional parameters, like lmAuth if your portal uses Choice or spoofId to impersonate.

The JSON response fields are:

  • result: authentication result, 0 if it fails, 1 if it succeed

  • error: error code, the corresponding error can be found in Portal error codes

  • id: if authentication succeed, the session id is returned in this field. This id is not returned if you call the REST endpoint with the session cookie (which means you are already authenticated).


You can also get the cookie by reading the response header Cookie returned by the portal.


Before version 2.0.4, the response to a success authentication had no id field, and error field was named code.


  • Request with curl:

curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -d user=rtyler -d password=rtyler | json_pp


With cURL > 7.18.0, to include special characters like @, & or + in the cURL POST data:

curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -d name=rtyler --data-urlencode passwd=@31&3+*J | json_pp
  • Response for bad authentication:

    "result" : 0,
    "error" : 5
  • Response for good authentication:

    "result" : 1,
    "error" : "0",
    "id" : "b048bf87ca401da1d89419813e3acf466d5e4465fe3a1f7adfd8240bd161bde2"


REST functions for sessions are protected by Web Server, you can change this in portal configuration.

See REST session backend documentation for more.


REST functions for configuration are protected by Web Server, you can change this in portal configuration.

See REST configuration backend documentation for more.