Remember authentication choice plugin
This plugin enables automatic authentication, based upon the last user authentication choice.
For this plugin to work, you have to configure a set of authentication modules.
If you have multiple SAML, OIDC or CAS issuers, you should define a dedicated choice for each of these issuers, and set the corresponding URL to /?idpName=yourSAMLidp
or /?idp=yourOIDCidp
Once enabled (section “General Parameters > Plugins”), you can set these parameters.
Activation: Rule to enable/disable this plugin
Cookie name: Name of the cookie storing the authentication choice
Cookie lifetime: Duration of the cookie (seconds) storing the authentication choice
Check by default: Is the checkbox “Remember my choice” checked by default?
Timer before automatic authentication: Timer before automatic authentication happens, if user has previously authorized the storage of authentication choice in a cookie
For instance, you may allow users from private network to have the “Remember authentication choice” checkbox:
$env->{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^192\.168\./