Trusted browser plugin

This plugin lets you remember your web browser after a successful login. This trusted browser can then be used to skip the entire authentication, or just bypass second factors.


The Trusted Browser feature uses a TOTP challenge behind the scenes. This means it only works if the client web browser is in sync with the server.


When logging out explicitely from the Logout button on the portal, the current browser trust is destroyed. If you want to test this feature without having to wait for your existing session to expire, you need to manually remove the lemonldap session cookie (and leave the llngconnection long-lived cookie alone.


  • Parameters:

    • Activation condition: Enable the plugin for all users or only under certain conditions

    • Authentication bypass: Skip authentication completely if the user has a trusted browser (not recommended)

    • Do not check fingerprint: enable/disable browser fingerprint checking

    • Expiration time: how long browsers are remembered

    • Cookie name: trusted browser cookie name

    • One trusted browser per user: allow only one trusted browser per user New trusted browsers will disable the old ones. This option requires Indexing the _session_uid field.

    • Use time-based fingerprinting: By default, the trusted browser system uses a time-dependant validation, based on TOTP. Disable this option to reverse to a simpler shared-secret, time-independant validation. This can help if your web browsers are not always synchronized with NTP.

Rules examples

  • Only allow members of a certain group to remember their browsers

  • Only allow registering a trusted browser from a certain network

    inSubnet('', '')
  • Only allow remembering the web browser if the authentication was strong enough

    $authenticationLevel >= 4

Using trusted browsers to bypass 2FA

You can use the $_trustedBrowser session variable in 2FA rules, for example, as a TOTP activation rule

has2f("TOTP") and !$_trustedBrowser

means that TOTP will not be asked for trusted browsers